Where to start? Ummm... It has a clunky and complex interface for adding songs to the queue. Its also hard to edit the playing order of a queue.
But my biggest beef is the "share mix tapes with your friends" tag line... All it does is send a picture of a cassette with links to the App Store. How about actually opening the mix tape up in your friends version of AirCassette? I know ten people I would gift the app too if it could do that. If they own the song, play it, if not, play the iTunes preview of the song and provide a link to buy button.
Lets get real here... What was the main purpose of mix tapes back in the day? Sharing with your friends. This app falls flat, waaaay flat.
Its a good idea, just not executed or realized at all. Its not often I regret spending a dollar on an app... This is one of those times.
Rex Maximilian about AirCassette